The functional roles of the NaChs were tested by observing the effect of tetrodotoxin, a specific blocker of NaChs, on the intrinsic heart rate of isolated rat working heart.
Approach to a virtual experiment under a central force;
Three expressions of conic section and central force problem;
The orbital stability in the central force field;
The orbit of motion in central force field is discussed and a few decision methods of the orbit stability are given.
By the natural and harmonious relationship between differential forms and differential equations and between differential forms and vector analysis, we discuss the properties, which are covariant under the transformation of coordinates in the framework of differential forms, of particle motion in a central force field.
In addition,we discussed the character of these curves and the relations between Multi-knot curve and central field.
扩展了卡西尼卵形线和伯努利双纽线 ,得到所谓的多卵线和多纽线 ,并进一步讨论了这两种曲线的性质及多纽线和有心力场的关
In this paper it is shown that there are two vector constants of the motion for a charged particle in the central field of force.
In this paper,the symmetries of two central fields in the classical mechanics that result in closed orbits for all bound particles are discussed by using the group theory method.
Introducing the effctive POtential, the two -- dimensional central force mation in the potential field for the inertial system can be handled by means of the one -- dimensional central force motion for the non -- inertial system, because they are equivalent.
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