If the dropout rate is not stopped in time,it will undoubtedly endanger the res.
Reflection on Students Dropout in Rural Junior Middle School after Free Education;
A survey and research of junior middle school students′ dropout in the rural backwards areas in Central China;
Urban Juvenile Dropout Problem in the View of "Poverty Culture";
The reasons for dropping out in high schools in America are polysynthesism,including individuals factors such as gender,age,ability and academic achievements,family factors such as economic situation,structure and educational manner,school factors and community factors.
However, the dropping out phenomenon is still a realistic problem that we confront.
As we know, a large number of rural area has conducted compulsory education, but the problem of "dropping out" becomes more and more serious in some rural area, especially in middle school.
The control of dropping out has achieved a lot since universal compulsory education was put into practice,but it was not solved absolutely.
自实施义务教育以来 ,控辍工作取得了一定成绩 ,但辍学问题并没有得到彻底的解决 ,甚至出现反弹现象。
The Dropout Mode On TVU Modern Distance Education And Methods to Decrease The Dropout Rate;
The enrollment rate for girl child reached 98.5%, and their dropout rate was 1.4%--a decline of 0.6 points of percentage over the rate in 1995.
The drop-out rate is highest in the poorest urban area.
In addition, only 1.49 percent of the students discontinued their studies and 90.8 percent of the primary school graduates entered a higher school.
在校生辍学率为1.49% 小学毕业生升学率为90. 8%。
The drop-off rate of junior secondary school and primary school students was 3.23 percent and 0.93 percent respectively.
Analysis on the Rebounding of Farmer Descendants Schooling Discontinuation in Western Regions;
Reducing the Rate of Dropout in Rural Middle School and Reforming the System of Compulsory Education;
Conditions of compulsory education have improved considerably, and the dropout rate of school-age children has decreased to 6.5 percent.
"It would not serve the purpose of stemming school drop-out rates, or raise the educational level of the younger generation."
Due to the poor conditions for running schools and backward education facilities, a great number of school-age children are unable to go to school or obliged to discontinue their studies, and the illiteracy rate of the young and middle-aged is high.
But to me, six years of compulsory education is but a half measure. It would not serve the purpose of stemming school drop-out rates, or raise the educational level of the country's people.
The out-of-wedlock birth rate among women who drop out of high school is15%.
Some students quit school due to poverty.
I want to dissuade you from leaving the university too soon.
Drops out of school and is educated at home.
They would not consent to my leaving school.
Although the literacy rate is high in China (significantly higher than in India), many children still do not attend school because their parents force them to work.
Viewing Policy Adjustments and Changes of "Control Dropout" in China from Student Voluntary Dropout
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