The potentiostatic intermittent titration technique(PITT) method was used to determine lithium ion diffusion coefficients in graphitized carbon fiber anode material as function of potentials.
Takami等 [2 ]研究了以石墨化碳纤维为负极材料的电化学性能 ,并认为材料的辐射状结构有利于锂离子的扩散 。
In this paper,electrodes of carbon fiber/graphite substrate were made and nickel hexacyanoferrate(NiHCF) thin films were synthesized within the electrodes by capillary chemical deposition.
在碳纤维/石墨基体上通过毛细化学沉积法制备出具有高离子交换容量与高稳定性的铁氰化镍(nickel hexacyanoferrate,NiHCF)薄膜电极。
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