- joist托梁,小梁
- pallet fork lift truck托盘叉式起重车
- wall bearer bar托墙梁
- saddle拖板
- towing zone拖车地带
- cutter suction dredger拖桨吸式挖泥船,铰吸式挖泥船
- ablation material拖壳材料
- haulage device拖曳设备,运输设备
- demoulding脱模
- stripping [formwork]脱模,拆模
- parting agent脱模隔离涂料
- release emulsion脱模剂乳状液
- dehydrogenation tank脱氢缸
- decolouriser脱色剂
- Dehydration rate脱水速率
- dehydration脱水作用
- decarbonizing脱碳(除去碳素)
- desalting脱盐作用
- degrease脱脂处理
- good title妥善业权
- elliptical paraboloid shell椭圆抛物面型壳
- Ellips tenon椭圆榫
- oval arch椭圆形拱
- development area拓展区,发展区
- Territory Development Department拓展署
- Director of Territory Development拓展署署长
- groover挖槽机
- excavated material挖出物
- excavation works挖方工程
- excavation slope挖方坡度
- trench jack挖沟起重器
- excavation挖掘,挖掘工程,开挖
- radius of cut挖掘半径
- data mining tools挖掘工具
- excavator operator挖掘机司机
- excavation bottom挖掘基底
- excavated area挖掘面积
- digging depth挖掘深度
- excavation permit挖掘准许证,掘路许可证
- trench excavation挖坑,挖沟,开槽
- trenching works挖坑工程
- digging machine挖坑机
- dredger挖泥机,挖泥船
- dredging works挖沙工程,挖泥工程
- cut and cover tunnel挖填方式兴建的隧道(明挖式隧道)
- cut-and-fill design挖填设计
- cut-and-fill slope挖填斜坡,半填半挖式斜坡
- excavation挖土,掘土
- dredging machine,excavator挖土机
- excavator-mounted pneumatic breaker挖土机上装配的气动破碎机
- excavator-mounted hydraulic breaker挖土机上装配的油压破碎机
- Pot-hole洼穴(路面)
- frog tamper蛙夯
- frog area蛙夯区
- wagner fineness瓦格纳细度
- clay drian;clay drainage,tile pipe瓦管
- earthenware pipe瓦管,陶管
- Nissen hut瓦坑铁圆顶屋
- corrugated box瓦楞纸箱
- debris瓦砾,碎屑,泥石
- warren girder瓦伦大梁
- tile瓦片,瓷砖
- covering in scale tiles瓦片屋面
- gas emission瓦斯泄出
- cheneau瓦檐饰
- brick field瓦砖厂
- outer boom外(起重)机臂
- protecting layer外保护层
- breakdown of foreign currency外币分摊
- exterior panel外壁板
- external crack外表裂缝
- outside film coefficient外表面传热系数
- exterior shutter外部百叶窗
- outside window外部窗
- outside foundation line外部地基线
- external loading外部负载
- exterior separation外部隔距
- external works外部工程
- external strengthening works外部巩固工程
- outside scaffolding外部脚手架
- external joint外部接缝
- outdoor air inlet外部空气
- outside air opening外部空气通道
- exterior stair外部楼梯
- external door外部门
- outer wall外部墙壁
- exterior domain外部区域
- external bownpipe外部水落管
- external skin外部涂层
- outside coating外部涂刷
- outer fiber外部纤维