- Elutriation清洗,洗净分析
- rinsing tub清洗台
- scenarios情景
- critical building情况严重楼宇
- cupola dam穹顶坝
- dome light穹顶天窗孔
- vault rib穹窿拱肋
- vault thrust穹窿推力
- vault abatment穹窿支座
- vaulting tile穹形中空陶瓷块
- pendentives穹隅
- hilly country丘陵地带
- sphere球,范围
- ball jointed rocker bearing球颈支承
- ball-and-socket joint球窝接头
- Ball and socket joint球窝接头,球座
- knob球形把手,球形突出物
- ball lock球形闸门
- spherical bearing球形支承
- wire balloon球罩,波罩
- watersphere球状水压式贮水器
- zone区,用途区,地带
- zone Government rent区地税
- arrangement of block区段布置
- zonation map区划图
- internal road区内道路
- internal vehicular circulation route区内行车路线
- highway区域干道
- regional distributor [road]区域干路
- district park区域公园
- district boiler plant区域锅炉房
- regional planning区域计划
- Urban Traffic Coordinated Signal Control System区域交通控制系统
- regional shopping centre区域商场
- zonal ventilation区域通风
- regional maintenance consultant区域维修顾问公司
- the road of region development区域性道路
- regional soil区域性土
- crank pin bearing曲柄销承
- crank shaft曲柄转轴
- curvature angle曲率角
- curvature coefficient曲率系数
- coefficient of curvature曲率压缩系数
- curved stone曲面石料
- Bentwood forming machinery曲木成型机
- curved girder曲线梁
- dsm screen曲线筛
- curved plywood曲型合板
- motive power驱动工率,动力
- driving winch驱动绞车
- eviction of trespasser驱逐侵入者
- Yield point屈伏点
- Yield condition屈伏条件
- Yield stress屈伏应力
- yield region屈服区域
- trend趋势,倾向
- trench渠
- nullah渠,明渠,大沟渠,防洪渠
- canal embankment渠岸堤
- channel渠道
- canal slope concrete paver渠道边坡混凝土铺机
- canal concrete paver渠道混凝土浇筑机
- canal intake渠道进水口
- Channel control渠道控制
- canal mouth渠道口
- canal slope渠道倾斜
- canal tunnel渠道隧洞
- channel system渠道系统
- drainage alignment渠道线向
- channel cover渠盖,槽盖
- canal head渠首
- drainage reserve渠务保留地,渠务专用范围
- Hazard Warning Tape for Drainage Works渠务局警示带
- Drainage Services Department渠务署
- Director of Drainage Services渠务署署长
- take back possession取回管有权
- Bailer取砂器,抽泥筒,泥浆泵
- Soil sampler取土器
- Deletion Certificate取消差饷估价证明书
- letter of cancellation of Government Land Licence取消政府土地租用牌照通知书
- core drilling取芯钻探,钻取土芯,钻取岩芯
- rate of sampling取样比率
- sample disturbance取样扰动
- sampling spoon取样勺
- sampling container取样筒
- Make a business trip to…去…做商务计划
- air detraining admixture去除空气外加剂
- scaling [loose rock]去除松石
- chamfer去角(斜角)位,斜削
- drain board去水板
- drainer worktop去水板兼工作台