- comfort air conditioning适宜空气调节
- a relaxed posture in every seating position适应各种从姿,令人倍感舒适
- applicable lease适用租契
- acceptable accommodation适中居所
- release释放(机构 线圈) 断开
- Relief well释压井
- tender in date收标日期,截标日期
- land resumption compensation收地补偿
- resumption procedure收地程序
- land resumption limit收地范围
- Resumption Working Group收地工作小组
- resumption clearance limit收地清拆范围
- Notice of Resumption收地通告
- resumption notice收地通告,收楼通告,收楼告示
- resumption plan收地图则
- charging method收费办法
- Charge standard收费标准
- toll plaza收费区
- purchase notice收购通知书,收购通知
- recovery cost收回成本
- recovery of possession of premises收回处所的管有,收回楼宇
- Notice of Eviction收回房舍通知书
- recover possession收回管有
- grounds for recovery of possession收回管有的理由,收回楼宇理由
- repossession of premises收回楼宇
- order for recovery of possession收回楼宇令
- taking back athletic ground收回土地
- land resumption收回土地,收地
- resumption payment收回土地付款
- resumed properties收回物业
- resumption of leased land收回已批租土地
- resumption of Government land收回政府土地
- possession for redevelopment收回重行发展
- collector收集器集水管
- convergent point收敛观测点
- repossession收楼
- repossession order收楼令
- eviction order [Lands Tribunal]收楼令(土地审裁处)
- surface finishing收面
- ticketing booth收票岗亭
- occupancy load收容能力,居住载荷
- income test收入评审,收入审查
- shrinkage收缩,收缩量
- contraction ratio收缩比
- construction joint收缩缝
- contraction joint收缩缝,收缩接缝
- contraction joint收缩接缝
- shrinkage crack收缩裂缝,干缩裂缝
- Solidification contraction crack收缩裂纹
- shrinkage test收缩试验
- contraction coefficient收缩系数
- rent collection escort service收租护送服务
- rent strip收租记录表
- jackhammer手持式风钻,风炮
- handset手持通话器
- hand-held grinder手持研磨机
- manual damper手动档板
- hand mixer手动混合器
- manual batcher手动计量器
- hand clamp手动夹钳
- manual sprayer手动喷雾器
- hand placement手动式浇注
- hand operated rotating cleaner手洞旋转清扫机
- pneumatic drill手风钻
- hand guide heavy duty mechanical tamper手扶式机械夯
- hand guided vibratory roller手扶式振动碾
- adz(e)手斧,刮刀
- manual proportioning control手工称量控制
- manual手工的,手动的,指南,便
- hand operated bar cutter手工钢筋切断机
- artisan craftsmanship手工工艺
- Circular saw bench for band feed ripping手工送料纵切圆锯机
- Band selected手工挑选
- manual tungsten electrode手工钨极
- handicraft手工业
- hand finisher手工整面机
- hand rammer手夯锤
- punner手夯具
- handsignalman手号员
- jack roll手绞盘
- hand saw; piercing saw,miter saw,quarter rip saw,quarter rip saw,single-handled saw,tenon saw手锯
- manual mode operation手控操作
- manual call point手控火警警报装置
- lacquer手扫漆,清漆
- hand signal手示信号
- Hand Welding Mask手提焊罩
- portable fire extinguisher手提灭火筒
- portable手提式,轻便的,可移动的
- hand held roller手提式路碾
- hand held compactor手提式压实器
- barrow run手推车道