- tanker loading port油轮装油港
- tanker loading terminal油轮装油码头,装船油库
- tanker longitudinal bulkhead油轮纵隔板
- oil-coal association油-煤组合
- oil-tightening油密封的
- oil surface油面
- oil-depth gauge油面测定器,油高测定器
- oil-gauge rod; oil-gauge stick油面测杆
- oil-gauge glass油面观察玻璃窗
- oil seepage油苗
- tank trailing油模拖曳
- oil lamella油膜层
- surface film drainage油膜水驱机理
- kelmet油膜轴承,油膜轴承合金
- kerogen油母质
- desludging pump油泥泵
- oil clot油凝块
- oil pan油盘,切屑盘
- oil bubble油泡
- oil injection油喷射,注油
- product conversion油品变换
- oil deterioration油品变质
- oil stock loss油品仓储损耗
- oil weathering油品大气老化
- product cycle油品的循环
- oil dispense油品分配
- despatcher油品分输器,油品调度员,调度程序分配器
- batching pig油品隔离塞
- oil supply油品供应,润滑油的供给
- product departure油品起运
- smell of product油品气味
- products sequence油品输送顺序
- product vapour油品蒸汽
- bulk viscosity of oil油品主体粘度
- oil house油品装桶间
- oil shipment油品装运,载运的油品
- PASS油漆附着力
- painter油漆工
- paint roller油漆辊子
- paint naphtha油漆溶剂油
- paint chipping油漆碎片
- oil and gas油气
- oil and gas conservation law油气保护法
- hydrocarbon entrapment油气捕集
- oil and gas pool油气藏
- reservoir geometry油气藏几何形状
- reservoir description油气藏描述
- hydrocarbon reservoir油气层
- static reservoir pressure油气层静压
- hydrocarbon pore volume油气储集空间
- discovery bonus油气发现定金
- Oil and gas distribution油气分布
- flow treater油气分离、加热、油水分离器
- catch pot油气分离罐,除凝析液和岩屑的罐
- oil-gas separator油气分离器
- gas-oil segregation rate油气分离速率
- gas-oil transition zone油-气过渡带
- OGT油气痕迹
- hydrocarbon sigma油气宏观俘获截面
- combined gas and oil pipelining油气混合管输
- fuel-air mixture油气混合物
- gathering facility油气集输设施
- oil gas contact油气接触面
- gas oil contact (GOC)油气界面
- hydrocarbon impregnation油气浸染
- well fracturing油气井压裂
- hydrocarbon flow油气流
- oil-gas mobility ratio油气流度比
- hydrocarbon density油气密度
- hydrocarbon movability油气迁移率
- gas-oil front油气前缘
- GOCM油气侵泥浆
- oil-and-gas payment油气权益支付
- biogenic theory油气生物成因学说
- oil-gas-water separation油气水分离
- oil-gas-water system油气水系统
- edge lease油气田边缘租地
- oil and gas show油气显示
- show map油气显示图
- hydrocarbon effect correction油气影响校正
- vapor cloud explosion油气云爆炸
- oil advancing contact angle油前进接触角
- oil breakthrough油侵
- O & GCM油侵和气侵泥浆
- oil cut mud油侵泥浆
- oil corrosion油侵蚀
- oil region油区
- district superintendent油区监督
- Oil circle油圈
- water-insoluble surfactants油溶性表面活性剂
- Oil-borne preservative油溶性防腐剂