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  • forsooth
  • real
  • trueborn
  • truest
  • truer
  • veritable
  • I am sure
  • quite
  • verier
  • truthful
  • true
  • too
  • very deed
  • authentic
  • actual
  • verus
  • in deed
  • honest Indian
  • live
  • you bet
  • honest injun
  • 实用例句

    • 这不可能是真的。
      It can't be true.
    • 是真的还是我当时在做梦?
      Was it real or did I dream it?
    • 他昨晚真的去图书馆了,但是你不在那。
      He went to the library in truth last night, but you weren't there.
    • 那决不是真的。
      That's anything but true.
    • 他说的话没有半点是真的。
      There is not a scrap of truth in what he says.
    • 我们真的处于困境——没人照顾婴儿。
      We are in a real fix - there is nobody to look after the baby.
    • 如果这是真的又该如何呢?
      What if it is true?
    • 我曾认为这可能是真的。
      I thought it might be true.

