- tensile strength顺纹抗拉强度
- compressive strength parallel to grain顺纹抗压强度
- consequent slope顺向坡
- running bond,stretcher,bond顺砖砌合
- funicular polygon舜多边形
- instantaneous electric blasting cap瞬发电雷管
- instantaneous elevator safeties瞬间电梯保险锁
- premature stiffening瞬间凝佶
- instantaneous load瞬间载荷
- Instantaneous loading瞬间载重
- instantaneous deformation瞬时变形
- instantaneous load瞬时荷载
- flash set,flash setting瞬时凝固
- instantaneous water heater瞬时水加热器
- Transient loading瞬时载重
- specifications writing说瞄拟制
- Certificate说明书,说明书
- explanatory plan/ drawing说明图则/绘图
- manager ["tong";"tso"]司理(堂,祖)
- private lot私家地段
- private road私家路
- Private Sector Participation Scheme Tender Board私人参建计划投标委员会
- Private Sector Participation Scheme Steering Group私人参建居屋督导委员会
- private estate agent私人产业代理人
- private underground pipe私人地下水管
- private flatted factory私人分层工厂大厦
- private agricultural land私人耕地
- private industrial/office premises私人工业/写字楼综合楼宇
- monolithic construction整体式构造
- monolithic slab and foundation wall整体式楼板与基础壁
- private industrial/office premises私人工业/写字楼综合楼宇
- private waterfront私人海旁用地
- private storage私人货仓
- Private Sector Participation Scheme [PSPS] [Hong Kong Housing Authority]私人机构参建居屋计划(私人参建计划)(香港房屋委员会)
- Private Sector Priority Strategy私人机构优先策略
- private building私人楼宇
- Advisory Committee on Private Building Management私人楼宇管理谘询委员会
- private sector household私人楼宇住户
- private agricultural lot私人农耕地段
- private commercial premises私人商业楼宇
- private trustee私人受托人
- private tenement building私人唐楼
- private property私人物业,私人产业
- private slope私人物业范围内的斜坡
- private property management agent私人物业管理公司
- private property market statistics私人物业市场统计
- private treaty grant私人协约方式批地,私人合约方式批租土地
- private slope owner私人斜坡业主
- private office (Grade C)私人写字楼(丙级)
- private office (Grade A)私人写字楼(甲级)
- private office (Grade B)私人写字楼(乙级)
- private housing私人兴建的房屋,私人楼宇,私人房屋
- private land私人用地,私人土地
- private recreational lease私人游乐场地契约
- private practice surveyor私人执业测量师
- private domestic unit私人住宅单位
- private domestic premises私人住宅楼宇
- Review on Density Guidelines for Private Residential Areas私人住宅区密度指引检讨
- private domestic property私人住宅物业
- private specialized factory私人专业厂房
- private sector tenant facility私人租户设施
- Private Housing Division [Housing Bureau]私营房屋部(房屋局)
- private redevelopment project私营房屋重建计划
- List of Private Practice Land Surveyors私营执业土地测量师名册
- private open space私用休憩场地,私有空地
- private area私有地
- private lot私有地段
- private road私有路
- private landowner私有土地业权人
- Stoke's law斯笃克定律
- scott's cement斯科特水泥
- dead window死窗
- dead end [drainage]死端,封闭尽处(渠道)
- dead card死卡
- cable conveyor死输送机
- dead water space死水空间
- dead-alley死巷
- within-the-walls area四壁以内面积
- four sides(edges)supported plate四边支承板
- twopenny nail四寸长钉
- quadripartite vault四分穹顶
- quarter bat四分之一砖
- ocrate process四氟化硅处理
- ocrated concrete四氟化硅混凝土
- four leg sling四钩吊绳
- four pipe system四管式系统
- Courtyard四合院
- square pyramid space grids四角锥体网架
- tetrapod四脚体
- hip rafter四坡屋顶面坡椽
- X-joints四通管