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  • shut
  • close
  • padlock
  • off
  • occlude
  • closure
  • imprison
  • closedown
  • shut up
  • shut down
  • close down
  • hem
  • enclosure
  • paralyse
  • to shut off
  • winding-up
  • close up
  • closed
  • 参考释义



    • 这家剧院光顾者寡只好关闭。
      The theatre has had to close for lack of support.
    • 工厂关闭後工人失业了。
      The workshop has shut down and the workers are unemployed.
    • 只有他一人直言不讳地表示反对关闭医院。
      He is the only one to speak out against the closure of the hospital.
    • 汽车厂关闭後,轮胎制造商受到间接的影响。
      The closure of the car factory had a knock-on effect on the tyre manufacturers.
    • 煤井关闭的数目日多,煤炭工业前景暗淡。
      It's a bleak look-out for the coal industry as the number of pit closures increases.
    • 我们关闭发动机开始滑行。
      We switched off the motor and started to drift (along).
    • 这个煤矿因矿源枯竭而被关闭。
      The mine was closed owing to exhaustion.
    • 除非我们能得到更多的资金,我们将不得不关闭这家商店。
      Unless we can get more finance, we'll have to close the store.