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  • to continue
  • to proceed with
  • to go on with
  • continue
  • Hold on.
  • keep...up
  • keep on (doing)
  • perdure
  • Va.
  • continuation
  • take up
  • carry over
  • go on
  • go on with
  • continued
  • keep on with
  • carry on...
  • resume
  • continue with
  • 参考释义



    • 他没有回答,只是继续一点一点地吃东西。
      He didn't answer, but just continued to nibble at his food.
    • 这个地方笼罩在神秘气氛下,继续使游览者着迷。
      The place continues to fascinate visitors, cloaked in its mystery.
    • 一如既往,我们将继续每星期四开会。
      We will continue to hold meetings on Thursdays, as heretofore.
    • 继续这种无聊的争辩是无用的。
      It's useless to continue such a barren argument.
    • 这个班最低限度要六个学生才可以继续办下去。
      The class needs a minimum of 6 pupils to continue.
    • 你继续这样大量吸烟,就是在自掘坟墓。
      You are just digging your own grave if you go on smoking so heavily.
    • 他继续他的工作。
      He went on with his work.
    • 原定茶点休息后继续进行的比赛因下雨而取消了。
      The continuation of the play after the tea interval was ruined by rain.