However, on account of the common property idiosyncracy, the enterpr.
Analysis of Governmental Regulation on M&A of State-owned Property Right by Foreign Capital;
Rather,the reform has explicitly revealed the profound drawbacks in the state-owned property right system.
我国国有企业改革是以“两权分离”为主线的 ,实践表明 ,在国有制内涵保持不变的前提下 ,“两权分离”改革未能解决国企问题 ,反而更加暴露了国有产权的内在缺陷。
The concept of the restriction of private property rights has not been explainded clearly,so this article try to explain it clearly.
However,it emphasizes protection of public property right,which is in conflict with the principle of independent private right in the civil law and with the competition mechanism of the market economy.
The concurrent and mutually compatible public property right and private property right in the organizations of socialist public ownership together make up the property right basis of the socialist market economy.
In the modern market economy, the public property right and private property right are neither two separately closed systems, nor two antagonistic plates.
现代市场经济中的公有产权与私有产权既不是截然分开、毫无联系的两个封闭体系 ,也不是绝对对立、经纬分明的两个独立板块 ,二者之间有千丝万缕的复杂联系 ,并且存在着一个相当宽阔的中间地带。
The code enlarged the rights of peculiar property enjoyed by the wife and children in the military peculiar property,paramilitary peculiar property and the external peculiar property,so it brought about a great advance in the Roman individual ownership.
Abstract:The private property right is the foundation of the market economy.
This paper attempts to discuss the conception of "property rights" presenting the land problem in feudal society,the key factor of the land property right and the condition of private property right of Chinese feudal society.
The common force of private property right system and the market operating mechanism,under the direction of the western mainstream economic theories, promoted the form of western countries economy systems.
西方国家的经济制度是在西方主流经济学理论的指导下 ,由私有产权制度和市场运行机制共同推动形成的。
The authors think that the private ownership is in an awkward situation, surrounded by public ownership system and state authority.
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