Rapid Analysis of Opium by Gas Chromatography;
An Exploration of the way inputting opium into Southeast of Guangxi in modern times——One of narcotic series papers;
Capillary Electrophoretic Separation and Detection of Common Opiates;
The disk SPE-GC/MS/SIM method was applied to the study of opium drugs including pethidine,methadone,codeine,morphine and 6-acetylmorphine in urine.
研究尿中哌替啶、美沙酮、可待因、吗啡、O6-乙酰吗啡等5种鸦片类滥用药物的膜式固相萃取(d isk SPE)以及GC/MS/SIM定量测定的方法。
Glance at Appeasement Diplomatic Policy of Qing Dynasty in Opium War-era;
A research in the composition of traitors during the Opium War;
There are two reason mainly, one is opium trade and another is exchange of unequal value between Chinese and foreign currency.
Under the British colonial rule, the opium trade was a major trade in Hong Kong from the early 1840s to the early 1940s, experiencing the three stages as: the transit trade by opium trader to other parts of China; a monopoly leased to the highest bidder and the government monopoly.
Legalization of opium trade refers to an international trade with opium as commodity,permitted by the customs specific supervisory institutions of foreign trade in the sovereign state and listed in a regular trade bill and collected a certain proportion of customs.
鸦片贸易合法化是指鸦片作为商品经主权国家对外贸易特定监管机构海关许可 ,列入正常贸易货单并征收一定比例关税的国际贸易行为。
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