On plea of lack of behavior ability in bill plea;
If the electronic contract litigant does not have behavior ability which the traditional contract liti- gant must have,his/her subject identity is still qualified for the contract when the transaction object executes the rea- sonable duty of care.
OBJECTIVE: To investigate the effect of yangxueqingnao granule(YXQNG) on cognitive and behavioral ability improvement as well as blood pressure of patients with ischemic stroke.
This paper proves that the limitedness of behavioral ability of government investment in enterprises originates from the definite "authorized contracts" signed by both government agents & individuals and characterized by aversion of risks.
Contemporary college students have a strong sense of social awareness and certain capacity in social participation.
According to the theory of intellectual development in common psychology and our practical population quality, to adapt to the increasing complicated social life, we should raise the legal adult age from 18 to 20 and regulate the structure of capacity system accordingly.
根据普通心理学的智力发展理论和我国实际人口素质,为适应日益复杂的 社会生活,应将我国民法规定的法定成年年龄从18周岁提高到20周岁,并且相应调整行为能力制度的结构。
Disposing capacity is necessary condition that person exercises ones rights and assum ones obligations according to law by ones own conduct.
Reconstruction Study of the Natural Person s Disposing Capacity System in Our Country;
In the electronic deal, the fixation of efficacy of the contract, wh ich is signed by incompetent person and person limited in disposing capacity, is ture of No 47 item of contract law.
There are three internal causes conditioning the juridical person s disposing capacity of public schools for compulsory education: the juridical person is strikingly of public nature and public welfare and is thus landed in predicament, the unparallel of right and duty conditions the disposing capacity, and existence and development are not controlled by the market law.
制约公立义务教育学校法人行为能力的内因有三点 :一是法人的公共性和公益性特点的突出使其处于困境 ;二是权利和义务具有不对应性 ,限制了行为能力 ;三是生存和发展不受市场规律的制约。
Research on the Legislation of Civil Capacity of People Whose Personal Freedom Are Limited;
When the civil capacity which the transaction behaviors express is inconsistent with the real condition,the lacking capacity person s benefit and the limit capacity person s benefit will conflict with the other transaction party s benefit who has trust in appearance of right.
(1) persons with no capacity or with limited capacity;
mentally incapacitated person [MIP]
Persons without civil capacity or with restricted civil capacity
applicable law for the legal capacity of juridical persons
Capacity for Civil Rights and Capacity for Civil Conduct.
On Lawsuit Behavior s Effect of The Party Who Short of Lawsuit Capacity;
"Citizens fall into three categories: persons with full capacity for civil conduct, persons with limited capacity for civil conduct and persons without capacity for civil conduct."
Wills made by persons with no capacity or with limited capacity shall be void.
Article 22 Wills made by persons with no capacity or with limited capacity shall be void.
第二十二条 无行为能力人或者限制行为能力人所立的遗嘱无效。
Adults' Civil Capacity--From Behavior Capacity to Mental Capacity
On the Minors′ Capacity of Civil Conduct and its effect;
He is incompetent to sign the contract
hospital order [for mentally incapacitated persons]
when the agent loses capacity for civil conduct;
those performed by a person without capacity for civil conduct;
hydraulic model of action specific energy
Personal power means the ability to act...
ability or necessity to answer for or be responsible for one's conduct.
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