On characteristics of diesel propulsion plant with sequential turbocharging system;
Intake and exhaust system modeling and study on switch of sequential turbocharging diesel engines;
Theoretical and Experimental Study on the Sequential Turbocharging System of Diesel Engines;
It consists of the instantaneous protection at the protective range of 85% and the sequence tripping protection beyond the protective range of 85%.
In order to simulate sequential turbocharging system used by a 16 cylinder large power diesel engine, three parts of codes: STC (sequential turbocharging system), Inlet Exhaust by Pass system and Inlet Gate at high working condition system are put into the original FVM TVD code.
为了适应对某 1 6缸大功率柴油机采用相继涡轮增压系统进行模拟计算与研究的需要 ,在 FVM-TVD程序的基础上 ,加入了相继增压系统、进排气旁通系统及高工况放进气系统的计算程序 ,利用此新编制的程序对该柴油机进行了模拟计算 ;其计算结果对该机何时启用相继增压系统、进排气旁通系统或高工况放进气系统提供了初步的预测 ,并对其控制策略进行了讨
The inversing design of long-stroke sequential turbocharging (STC) diesel engine is discussed in this paper.
Based on a type TBD234V12 pulse Turbo-charging and sequential turbo-charging (STC) diesel engine with 2 turbochargers, a calculating model is set up in this thesis.
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