First,a mathematical model of noisy measurement process and a prior over surface shapes were computed respectively.
首先,分别计算测量过程数学模型和曲面先验概率模型;其次,通过共轭梯度优化算法确定每一个点的最大后验重建位置;最后,应用Surface Splatting算法绘制点模型。
That is why he rejects the "a priori" knowledge.
What it suggests is the area that combines the true, the good, and the beauty in a priori world.
“真”与“善”也是王国维“境界”说的重要维度 ,这是因为 ,王国维的“境界”说实质上是一种人生“意义”的理论 ,它所言述的是先验世界中的真、善、美“一体”之
The "a priori" is traditionally regarded as a type of knowledge, and sometimes as a type of truth.
It emphasizes the initiative of human spirit, becomes the forerunner of idealism and transcendental philosophy, and finally results in a type of theology.
The concept "transcendental" has taken a central position in the comprehension of the modern western philosophy.
In history of philosophy, Kant s ethics is different from others , for he based the principles of morals on the absolute transcendentalism; which is not only for the need of constructing the complete system of transcendental philosophies, but also for the profound relations of the Enlightenment s historical affects on Kant s thoughts.
Whole flow optimization based on prior knowledge in chemical process;
Incorporating prior knowledge in fuzzy least squares SVM model and its application;
Application of sample prior knowledge to nerve networks training;
Combining with the conductivity distribution information of human tissue and organ,an image reconstruction method of electrical impedance tomography based on pulmonary prior information was proposed using conjugate gradient method.
Then the sensitivity matrix was solved by commercial simulation software COMSOL considering the structure and resistivity of lung,the prior information was adop.
The first fuzzy model named prior model is built by using expert knowledge and skilled operating experiences of the flash furnace(that is, fuzzy IF THEN rules); the second fuzzy model named learning model is built by using adaptive fuzzy neural network system.
一种方法是利用专家知识和操作经验(即IF THEN规则)建立闪速炉的先验模型 ;另一种方法是利用自适应模糊神经网络方法建立闪速炉的学习模型。
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