Heathcliff in Wuthering Heights was a character of duality of humanity and brutality.
Nowadays,by focusing their attention on the exposure of privacies and on the display of human beings brutality,desire and absurdity of existence,a group of writers are been on scanning and observing ugliness.
当今一批作家审视与扫描的是丑的东西 ,他们把注意力集中在私生活的曝光 ,人的兽性、欲望的展示以及存在的荒诞上。
In literature works,human nature is focused while the beast nature is ignored.
By ingenious designing of contradictions in the plot, character and dialogue, King Lear deeply reveals the conflict and confrontation between divinity and barbarity.
莎士比亚在其杰出悲剧《李尔王》中 ,充分运用悖论这一手法 ,通过在情节、人物、对话等方面匠心独运的矛盾设置 ,深刻地揭示出人的神性和兽性的对抗与冲突 ,鞭挞了兽性 ,弘扬了神性 ,实现了永恒的“诗的正义”。
This article holds that human nature is the combination of barbarity and humanity.
"Beast"is a derogatory term in Western Culture, but Djuna Barnes, a minor but great American novelist, advocates that"beast"is an attractive word.
The beast image and black image in Luo Fu s poems have great impact upon the rational and moral social order;at the same time are testifying the decay of human being s vitality in the civilized society;and present author s recognition of life s naturalness and sustainability advocated by surrealists.
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